Hunminjeongeum Haerye 訓民正音解例 page 1


Hunminjeongeum Haerye 訓民正音解例 page 1/66

Explanations and Examples of the Correct/Proper Sounds for the Instruction of the People

Published in 1443 by King Sejong

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Hunminjeongeum Haerye 1



國之語音, 異乎中國, 與文字不相流通, 故愚民, 有所欲言, 而終不得伸其情者, 多矣, 予, 為此憫然,新制二十八字, 欲使人人易習, 便於日用耳.

ㄱ, 牙音, 如君字初發聲


Correct/Proper Sounds for the Instruction of the People

The language of our country is different from that of China, 

and it is not interchangeable with writing. 

Therefore, many ignorant people desire to express themselves but ultimately fail to convey their emotions. 

I sympathize with this situation and thus propose the creation of 28 new characters that are easy for everyone to learn and use in daily life.

ㄱ is a dental sound, pronounced at the beginning of words like 君(gun).


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